the open source APP allows beside ~25 hotkeys ~130 KeySstroke shortcuts e.g. [1|2] [S─X] + an ∞ number "hotstrings" e.g. 12+.
Try to set up logical shortcuts.
STOP to type addr or to search for bookmarks additional functions e.g. clipboard 2, 3_+_4
keySstroke advanced setup: ¹ heighlight a url ² hit [F6] ³ hit your desired key combination and separate the output with " & "
keySstroke double setup: tab3 or 4 insert e.g. 6 & 7 and 7 & 6
∞hotstringS setup: tab3 insert e.g. 67+
keySstroke "S & X" if your keyboard doesn't support the technique set up too the reverse shortcut "X & S"
vids ► ► →'s_my_twitter_acc
¹ ↓ ~25 hotkeys ~104•105 2key shortcuts incl ~130keySstroke shortcuts ↓
the old s#mall gui shows the features from the default tab -_- except the help dropdown menu → help tab
↓¹ ↓ + an ∞ number "hotstrings" 2nd + 4th tab